Category Archives: spontaneous stanzas

a section to collect my poetic refuse.

drove for miles and miles

two months later
and she’s a floor above
but it’s the same density
and unchanged hues:
cluttered, pink.

the sheets are striped
red green yellow on white.
christmas lights all around
but it’s falling on the right.

i can’t help notice the dressers
and the drawers that don’t close.
everything is overflowing
and the desk space nonexistent.

i take a mental picture
but i’m already used to it.
it’s almost to the point
where i’m fond of the mess.

we play catch
but with looks and silences
most of them awkward
so i switch to gossip.

but you can only back-talk
somebody for so long,
so it’s back to zero decibel
but i’m still having fun.

oh and did you know?
finally a mayer song worthy
of those ears so picky,
and boy, am i glowing.

a handshake and a long look
probably all on my own face
but there’s something there,
i hope i’m not a fool.

a season zips by

i suspect my mind
of playing tricks on itself.

it only feels like this morning
that i walked from Butler
adjusting to morning light
with an unfinished paper.

where have the days gone?
too much has happened
in too fast a pace
for me to remember at all.

i do recall wearing a tie
and then a suit – the bathing kind –
with cuff links to show off
and a pair of white sneakers.

did i see the skies of the West?
walking around a bay city
then returning to the island
and its humidity of reality.

still uncertain what to do
and all plans are ad hoc,
even the ones the dollar
doesn’t even figure.

yes, it’s ultimately about
a somebody somewhere
and sadly it’s not here
but she’ll be back soon.

were they good exercises
of arranging letters
in different combinations?
how about substance?

i’m grateful for everything
and perhaps they sometimes
outweigh the feeling at hand
but sleepless, i’m helpless.

all the main characters
of this season are gone
to their own worlds
while i sit on the set alone.

but i don’t mind it at all.
it’s still just too fast.
the next thing you know,
leaves will turn colorful.

riding solo

i take the (1) to work each morning.
i get on at 116th and off at 50th.
i ususally get on at 7:50am
and it’s 8:05am when i get off.
in those 15 minutes
lies my summer vacation.

when i wait on the platform
i try not to look around
lest someone recognize me
and my freedom denied.

if you see me in the subway
please leave me alone.