Category Archives: wasted keystrokes

a sorry attempt at writing something that sort of resembles stream of consciousness, but devoid of insight.

Thoughts from Butler Library

Yesterday, after meeting with a client in Morningside Heights, I decided to stop by Butler Library. Since I had lost my student ID a while back, I needed to apply for an alumni library pass, which cost me five bucks. Now I can roam the halls of Butler again and assume my familiar hunched-over posture on uncomfortable seats in the Reading Room. I feel productive here and compelled to get things done.

I’m back here again today after a visit to a printing shop downtown this morning with Wook. Since the Internet isn’t working at home, I thought I’d come back up here to get work done. What’s helped with my portability is my new red North Face backpack, which replaced my worn out olive North Face backpack of six years. I don’t think I’ve gotten as much mileage out of anything else – my laptop probably comes in at a distant second place of four years. With all sorts of side zippers and compartments inside the bag for iPod, pens, and other items, my new backpack operates as an office of its own. I really like it, although I wish it didn’t have “BIG SHOT” stitched on the back – a hiking slang word or mountain name would have been preferred.

So sitting here and trying not to procrastinate, I found myself wasting time on Bored@Butler, a nifty anonymous posting board where people who’re in Butler can sound off about anything. As you can guess, most of the talk is about sex – “someone somewhere is having sex right now”, “i wish someone would lick me all over”, “Chem makes me soooo Horny……”, “could use a ckbg bj right now”, etc. I didn’t know what CKBG stood for, but someone noted a few posts later that it was Cute Kinky Barnard Girl. I thought that was clever. It seems like the discourse is shifting towards thoughts on Obama right now…

Valentine’s Day Dinner with Melanie tonight at Ovelia, a newly opened Greek seafood joint a few avenues up from our apartment. Melanie actually went there last week with her cousin, but since it’s close and convenient (especially in this dreadful weather), we thought it’d be a solid choice. I’m almost done with Paul Auster’s Moon Palace, a very quick and thrilling read, and it’s the only novel of his I’ve read so far that has a prominent Asian female character. Her name is Kitty Wu and she’s made out to be a really pretty, smart, and sexy girl – a ballet dancer at Juilliard who dons on a tight chipao to excite her white boyfriend. I don’t think Auster exoticizes her in a way that’s offensive, but I thought it was funny that she wore a chipao since that reminds me of women at Asian massage parlors, not that I’d know anything about such women or such places. Anyway, I only mention this because I sometimes call Melanie a “kitty,” but now I’ve started saying “Kitty Lee” and encouraging her to buy a chipao. She rolls her eyes or ignores me.

I’ve been itching to write a Valentine’s Day short story for the past few days, but since the day is already here, I guess I’ll broaden it into a normal heartbreak/could’ve-would’ve-should’ve romance story later on this week. I opened a fortune cookie today at Sammy’s Noodle Shop and it said, “You’re going to get lucky tonight.” Maybe Melanie will pick up the tab. Happy Valentine’s Day!

And Into the Trash Heap

I spent a considerable amount of time tonight editing my MySpace profile after a bit of prodding from John Jung. It’s nothing to be proud of. In fact, I should probably be ashamed. But so many people use it and it’s been hailed as such an effective marketing tool, especially for indie artists, so I thought, why not — maybe there’s a thing or two to be learned from the experience.

The address is, in case you’re wondering.

It’s pretty much a self-promotional booth in the form of a webpage profile. I rehased a part of my bio from for the About Me section and added as many links as possible to my various sites along the side. There’s a certain feeling of guilt in a profile-building exercise – sort of like the feeling you get when you spend too much time in front of the mirror giving each part of your face too much attention. I felt especially vain when I selected the photos that would be uploaded, carefully adjusting the lighting and colors in Photoshop before sending up for public consumption.

I added John Mayer as a friend. I must be his two hundred fifth thousand something-eth friend. He’s my third.

I think I will use the blog feature of MySpace as a dumping ground for edited versions of my The Elusive Hope project from last year. I doubt the posts will become hot reading material, but among the millions who randomly browse through strangers’ profiles while picking up on many useless tidbits of info, there’s probably a chance that a handful of people will stumble upon these entries and maybe even take the time to read through. Yes, the ultimate self-promotional tool, the cauldron of vanities, and a not-so-discreet way to say “stalk me please.” Speaking of which, add me as a friend if you use MySpace, too.

Iranian History Comix, New Yorker, and Coziness in Astoria

These purely narcissistic entries are bad for readers but great for my own reminiscing. A brief list of some of this week’s pleasures:

* Melanie scolded me on my ignorance of anything Middle East. I guess that’s what I get for overusing the term “terrorist.” I was given thorough lessons on the geopolitical situation of Iraq and Iran, although I still mention Sunni and Shiite with some hesitation. I finished reading Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis, an amazing comic book account of a young girl’s experience growing up in Iran during its period of political instability in the Eighties. For those of you who are iffy on Iranian history but don’t really feel like reading heavy text, this is a quick and fun way to at least become familiar with some of the history, and maybe even a fact or two you can use to fake your way into looking informed at a cocktail party.

* I finally bought the New Yorker DVD set (1925-2005) and have found an endless source of entertainment. My only problem is that printing from the older issues is a terrible waste of paper because you’re forced to print out all the ads with it – and the New Yorker, unlike anything today, used to sell quite a bit of ads back then! Some exciting articles I’ve read so far: Lillian Ross’s profile of Ernest Hemingway (1950), Chang-Rae Lee’s short commentary on Italian food, and Louis Menand‘s review of Tom Wolfe’s Hooking Up as well as his article on “The Iron Law of Stardom.” Hemingway was certainly fond of the bottle, and did you know that stardom can never go for more than three years?

* Started reading Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee – he is truly a master of haunting prose. Watched Children of Men with my sister on a weeknight – well made but nothing special. Left my home office for a matinee screening of The Queen – ate a Starbucks sandwich that I snuck in and almost cried after watching repeated clips of Princess Diana (please watch this movie if you haven’t yet). Bought another Murakami and McEwan – my bookshelf is looking very homogenized.

* Tried to spend more time than usual as a “blogger.” Wrote about “Five Must-Have Qualities of a Club Leader” although I probably lacked most of them back in school. Finally wrote about restaurants not based in Manhattan with a warm nod at Astoria on PK Eats (Mel has a sweeter Astoria mention). Thought about writing something on Top Chef after the exciting penultimate episode on Wednesday, but felt the blogosophere was too saturated with that already.

* I’ve been getting more *in tune* with sounds coming from my computer. I didn’t even have speakers on my main computer until recently. Now I listen to music on the nifty Pandora website and have heard podcasts interviews this week of Sacha Baron Cohen (as himself) on NPR and Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball and The Blind Side. Podcasts are great! I’d love to conduct an interview with someone famous and super smart, although I’m sure it’d take a lot of work on my end to prepare.

* I posted a PDF version of my holiday book Recycled Note and Other Entries. I made a few fixes, including a misspelling of “omelette” which was pointed out to me – very embarassing indeed. The American way to spell it would be “omelet,” but I think we all find it more appetizing when seeing it on the menu as omelette.

It’s often chilly in my apartment, especially in my room, but if you put on enough clothes and sit close to the radiator, then things are not so bad. As much as warm weather and beaches sound and look nice on TV, I’m very content to be in the midst of this winter weather in New York, burying myself in blankets when cold and boiling water in my microwave to make myself some hot tea. Cozy.