a metro lets me know
“pink and green are in”
and sports a pastel polo.
i’m no better with trends,
i find myself in a store
buying cotton dress shirts
and ties of these colors.
it’s only sixty-five degrees outdoors
but girls wear skirts and shirts
green on top pink on bottom
or the other way around.
makes me wonder where they got it,
a scheme that seems to celebrate spring,
compelling a certain consciousness
to visit the nearest chain retailer.
my school is based around a single walkway
lined up with trees and plots of grass.
for a brief moment in late april
the flowering cherry trees remind us
that the city appreciates nature, too.
it was evening and i was walking home
when the lamp reflected its light
on the falling petals of the blossoms.
i looked up and saw the green leaves
supporting the colony of pink bunches.