weekend getaway

the last time i went home was for a day during spring break… it was andy’s birthday on the march 18th, but i was home on the 17th, so i went to liquor locker to buy him a bottle of hennessee for turning 21 and also a few cans of guinness beer to celebrate st. patrick’s day… while the few of us who gathered at andy’s house were all Asian, we felt a strong connection to the holiday because of john mayer’s st. patrick’s day… kinda silly/corny/outright stupid, but i dunno, try listening to it… we went to blockbusters and hollywood video to see if we could rent 21 grams, but these crappy video stores didn’t carry anything, so i ended up dropping $20 to buy the freaking dvd. it was a decent movie, so i wasn’t too bitter.

in 30 minutes, i will be on the 1 and 9 with albert heading back to edison, nj. this weekend, the second ever hba reunion will take place at hidden park. to see that hba has lasted this long – it was founded in december 2000 – is definitely something to cherish. i still vividly remember the day in december when a few of us brought out shovels to clear the court of the snow and ice just so our three teams – blue, red, and gray – could play our three-on-three games against each other while one team sat out and took stats. of course, we’ve come a long way and more and more people have become involved, but i feel like it’s still the same deal – just a bunch of guys who want to play some ball and see how well they do statistically. but in the larger frame of things, i guess hba has been one of those excuses to anticipate getting together with people you’d normally talk to less and less as the years go by. and the cool thing is, it’s become a lot more diverse as well, not only catering to the east asian male demographic, but expanding to caucasians and south asians [as for african-americans, it’s not that we purposely left them out, but our academically stratified high school experience – and not to be racist or anything, but there were NO black kids in my “honors” classes – made it impossible to make lasting friendships with black kids at jp stevens]… or maybe we’re all inherently a bit afraid to play with a race that we deem to be the BEST at the sport, but i hope that’s not the case – i mean, i’ve played ball with black people plenty of times at columbia. but racial issues aside (and it’s sad that it always has to be about race, right?), i’m pretty excited for what ought to be a competitive, well-organized (i hope) two-day event.

home. edison. new jersey. it looks like my family’s days in jersey are numbered, although i am not quite sure how long we’ll remain… i look forward to eating my grandma’s food while looking out into our underlit backyard, unique with the random fence going down the middle and splitting the yard into too – an eye-sore that is only ameliorated by its utility in hanging out laundry to air-dry. and then there’s the upstairs – my floor – two decent-sized rooms that get no cold air in the summer, but is a very nice place to do work/watch tv/sleep when the weather is nice. and that parking lot – a reminder that my family lives in what was a OB-GYN private practice office – the doctor now retired and serving as the landlord who took me a few times to philadelphia eagles games and is happy that i’ll be doing an internship at the NFL this summer… i guess a bbq at my place after hba wouldn’t be so bad, finally getting to see what the parking lot looks like filled with cars. ok jerz, here i come.


switching into summer gear

this is my first time in an apple store [in soho, corner of prince and greene]… seiwook needed to exchange his itrip [a neat device that lets ipod use fm radio to play on a radio, most useful when you’re driving your car and want to play mp3s on your car speakers]… we stopped by my parents’ store just before to develop a bunch of photos for the last of the campuspix customers… it’s going to be sad when my parents finally turn the store over and i can no longer go there when i need photos developed or some food from my parents… it was actually a sad/nostalgic moment when i replaced the matte paper magazine in the darkroom for what probably is the last time… goodbye 69 cooper sq.

this screen i’m looking at is a huge 23 inch LCD monitor that professionals use to edit video… i love how this store lets you browse the internet on their computers and experience the apple world in a personal way… and i must say, all these equipment do look beautiful… but at this time, i think my dell hardware suits me (and my wallet) just fine.

i think i’m going to stop by crate&barrel next and pick up a metal spoon and a fork.. and maybe a knife too. my broadway dorm [#707] is huge (although too rectangular) and i think i’ll be doing some cooking with the extra summer time. speaking of which – i love summer. i woke up before 9am today to go play basketball with albert – 9am! – with a whole lot of stuff coming up, i guess anticipation is the watchword – HBA Reunion II, Columbia College Alumni Reunion Weekend, NFL, daily exercises, weekend trips, KSA Culture Show preparations, web projects, short novel writing, California, camping, and of course lots and lots of iced Starbucks — i’ll have to keep it americano instead of latte to save the extra buck.

watch out for my “summer novel” entries – it will be a pseudo-fiction short novel – 10 installments – which will hopefully be my first complete story effort. time to check up on some c&b goods!


a moment to breathe

it was too humid outside, and i didn’t feel like i would make a difference to anyone by being present for graduation, so i spent most of the day in my room. in just a year, i, too, will be in a baby blue gown with the matching cap and marching in uncomfortable late-may heat to receive my degree. but i guess i need to stop thinking abut myself for a sec and just express some sentimentality.

i’m going to miss the 2004 class and i hope i can retain some of the valuable friendships i’ve made over the past three years. congrats to all – mung, sungmin, danny oppa, barnard honeys cici/tammy/horf/karissa, karl, paul and his entire suite, and some others who made my college experience worthwhile.

sometimes i wish i knew some seniors better so i could’ve partaken in the gift-giving and the mass huggings, but i guess i never did a good enough job of maintaining whatever connection was made with them or perhaps i never really became the kind of friend who does such things. i’m lazy when it comes to taking friendships to the next level, and i guess today is a good day to regret and feel kinda sad about it before i forget and move on. someone was right when she told me i am uncomfortable with myself.

i guess there has to be a point when too much is drawn to the ego-center – when it’s all about how I’m feeling, what I want, or what matters to me. in the sense that nothing matters after i die, i guess putting my immediate interests/thoughts/desires ahead of everything is not such an absurd thing, but in terms of social connections and building lasting personal relationships, it’s self-defeating and actually masochistic to be so self-absorbed. or maybe it’s how i am not as discreet about it. maybe i should just hide it.

congrats to the class of 2004!